Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Leftovers: Ringing in 2015 with a quick glance back at 2014

As a consummate procrastinator, the Leftovers portion of this blog brings me a sense of accomplishment in a backhanded way. Like sweeping dust-bunnies out from under the bed or finally filing a year's worth of receipts and check stubs; I love the practice of scrolling through old picture files and finding the ones that never made it to the page.  This year there are many.  I haven't posted since July.  It may or may not have taken me this long to recover from the Oregon Brewfest.

And so I dive into my favorite food to boost my mood and make me feel better whether my ailment is of the body, mind or soul.  

Wonton Soup from Taipei Noodle Haus is my go-to gotta-have-it when I'm feeling low and need a boost.  Or the Chinese Style Beef Noodle Soup for when I'm cold and need to warm my bones or the the Seafood Noodle Soup for when I'm feeling adventurous. The food here is pretty good.  I avoid some of the "standard" take out fare because it is pretty standard BUT the noodles and soups are out of this world fresh and delicious.

Talking about delicious Chinese food reminds me: The Lan Su Chinese Garden in Portland offers 9 days of free admission with the donation of canned food for the Oregon Food Bank. K and I usually take advantage of this by going in early and enjoying tea and moon-cakes.  It is one of my favorite New Year traditions.

Last January, K and I also took a trip to Newport, Oregon and had lunch at the always delicious Ocean Bleu @ Gino's.
I can't resist the Razor Clams served with wild rice and sauteed vegis but the Rockfish fish and Chips make the choice a difficult one.  Luckily K ordered them and was willing to share along with an order of hush puppies.  Rolled out of there stuffed and happy I hadn't made any New Year's resolutions to diet.

Random Order Coffee House
Beer Tasting Party 
 The spring held all kinds of spectacular traditions including the Chocolate Fest and Wine and Seafood Festival but some of the best times I had eating and drinking were spent with K and a handful of excellent people.  Beer and burgers, Pie and Cocktails; all made several appearances on my dance card this year.
Mt Hood Brewing's version of Poutine
Mt Hood Brewing Sampler
Slowburger Mushroom Swiss

 Quick trips around town this summer led to some super yummy and indulgent behavior like a dessert bigger than lunch at Honey Toast.

I finally found a Monte Cristo!!  My favorite sandwich from childhood (is is any wonder?) has come back to me in the form of brunch at the Country Cat! The last time I was able to enjoy this sandwich was in the Blue Bayou at Disneyland.  Quite a spendy excursion but oh so worth it to this little fat girl.  This one at Country Cat is reasonably priced and quite delicious but still... as 2013 was the quest of Biscuits and Gravy tdf (to die for) and as 2014 was the quest of the Chicken and Waffle, so 2015 shall be the quest for the perfect Monte Cristo!

Delicious treats from Lanvin French Bakery.  
I have some delicious memories from 2014 and I'm going to use them to inspire me to reach out and make some new and exciting changes and choices in 2015.  I want to mix it up.  A little bit like the Lanvin French Bakery that also puts out a delicious Banh Mi.

I've been writing about the same festivals and fairs for a few years now and although I still love love love them, it is time for some fresh tastes.  Of course that won't prevent me from attending my old favorites like NAOBF or OBF, I'm just saying I may or may not write about them.  Woman's prerogative and all that. Right now, I think I'm going to go get more of this soup.
WonTon Soup from Taipei Noodle Haus (Portland)

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