Well, alright then. I just unloaded the contents of my phone into my computer and found countless pictures of food I never shared. I know that if you're a friend of mine on Facebook, that sounds highly unlikely, right? It has gotten to the point when I take a picture of my food, K asks me to please not post it because our friends will think that all we do is eat. Which isn't true...really. It is kind of a funny phenomena these days though, food voyeurism. Not sure if it started back in 2010 when the NY Times asked readers to send them pictures of their food and received hundreds of
submissions. I have the article bookmarked. I still refer back to it occasionally when I'm feeling itchy for a foodie fix.
Some of the pictures I have taken I may have felt uninspired to write about, or got too busy, or I simply forgot about them. OR, I have even felt too self conscious to write about my experience. I get shy sometimes, it happens. I'm not feeling shy right now. I'm feeling like I'm in one of those house-cleaning, dust off the cobwebs and clean out the attic moods. Or better yet, clean out the fridge. And here are the leftovers. Some of them moldy and ready to be tossed but some just as tasty or even more so, than the day they were first served.

There was the night we spent with our good friend celebrating the New Year and working our way through the Stone Vertical series. I really didn't have much to say besides "it was Epic" Truly epic.
Also epic were the shots I took at Timbers games and the delicious offerings from the Food Cart Alliance. These tots from Timber's Dog House were an extreme example of how delicious tots can be be.

Or how about these somewhat yummy tots with a more delicious Po'Boy and some even MORE delicious gumbo from

There are these yummy pics from the
Russell Street BBQ in Portland. We went some time in April in our quest for BBQ comparable to Austin and for the life of me, I don't know why I wouldn't have told you all about it. The BBQ was delish but I really would have raved on about the drinks like this cucumber cooler and the Frito Pie appy. So good.

Also in our great search for well, great food, we like to try out different pizza places. Who doesn't, really? So far we've found many notables including the pies at
Baby Doll Pizza in Portland and these monster slices at
Deschutes Pizza Company in Maupin. Actually, BDP requires more discussion. I think we'll head there this week for a "refresher" and I'll tell you all about it later.
Deschutes Pizza |
Baby Doll Pizza |

There were these lovely pictures from the
Wet Dog Cafe in Astoria, Oregon. Such a wonderful way to spend a rainy afternoon in Astoria. Great staff, yummy food and look at that sweet taster. I can't believe I didn't give you a breakdown of those little beers. Maybe I did and I just can't find it. The more the pity.

Some more delicious offerings came courtesy of our friends at
TeSoAria. There wine pick up parties are great fun and they always put out a lovely spread of treats created by Joy Olsen with a little help from John and his Traeger.

I'm not sure if I've ever shared with you my love for
OHana on Sandy Blvd. If I haven't, I have been remiss. This lovely little restaurant serves it up Hawaiian style with authentic family recipes and some of the most ono this side of the Pacific.

And then there are the pictures that had me uploading my phone shots in the first place. This morning K and I went on our continued quest for the best Chicken and Waffles ever.
Miss Kate's Southern Kitchen may fill the bill as far as Portland Ops are concerned. I enjoyed the Chicken and Waffle while K ordered Miss Kate's Biscuit. Chicken on a biscuit with bacon, egg, and the most scrumptious bacon gravy, Good Heavens! I didn't even know such a thing existed. The gravy was creamy, spicy buttery sweet. The biscuit flaky but not dry. The bacon was, well, perfect. The Chicken deserves the capitalization I give it here. Boneless, skinless, battered in a spicy but not too hot flaky crust. So tender, juicy and delicious. The waffle it sits atop is crispy, fluffy sweet. Just a drizzle of the delicious maple syrup is needed here. This is the real deal. Took me back to Ms. P's in Austin. It was that good. Wash it down with a Mexican coke or a Sweet Tea and we're talking Heaven.

The rest of the pictures consisted of our trip to Phoenix. We consumed some really good food in Phoenix, and some really mediocre food. I'll save that all for a different post.
How many times did I say "yummy" in this post? I need a Thesaurus. :)