Friday, July 26, 2013

Oregon Brewer's Fest 2013: Hoppy 26th Year!

Killer PBPB
Starting off this post with a heavy sigh.  I just finished the Peanut Butter Pickle Burger that I picked up from Killer Burger on my way home from the Oregon Brewer's Festival yesterday.  It was amazing.  The burger and the festival.  I just couldn't finish the burger yesterday.  Too full, even for the amazingness that is the PBPB.

I must admit that between K and I we tasted approximately 28 beers.  I will not bore you with a review of every beer and so I'll give you my top 10 and the worst two that I tasted.  I'll also notably mention 21st Amendment's Hell or High Watermelon because I tasted it even though I have a six-pack of it in my fridge.  It's just so refreshing.

At the bottom of this I'll post the names of all of the beers we tried out so you can discover them for yourselves and, of course, check out the OBF website for full details of all of the beers offered at this weekend's festival.

In order of no particular preference I give you OBF 2013:

Summer Solstice Cerveza Creme~ I lied.  There is an order of preference because this was my favorite beer at the festival.  You know I generally prefer darks but I really took myself by surprise this year and was really drawn to the fruit and ale crew. It may have been due to the blazing sun but no whining here...  The Anderson Valley Brewing Co. comes to us from Boonville, Cali and brought a delicious cream soda session beer.  Not too sweet, not tart or bitter.  A gorgeous bouquet of Pacific Northwest hops give it a floral, citrusy finish.  Soft and delicious on the palate.  I could see myself drinking a few of these Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall.   ABV: 5.5  IBU: 8

Sculpin IPA from Ballast Point Brewing Co. was K's favorite of the day.  Another Cali beer, this one from the San Diego area.  Really well balanced with an IBU of 70, BPB used seven different hops several different times during the brewing process to reach this refreshing, unique IPA.  ABV: 6.6

Now THIS is the perfect beer for a BBQ right here:  Smoked Helles, originally brought to life by homebrewer, Joshua Boelter, winner of the Widmer Collaboration competition run with the Oregon Brew Crew.  Described as a Bamberg Style Helles Rauchbier Lager, this fine brew has a hidden smoky hoppiness that plays with the palate.  Perfect accompaniment to smoked salmon, a fine brat or burnt ends.  ABV: 5.9 IBU 25

K did not like this next IPA but he is not a big fan of orange or grapefruit anything and he compared it immediately to a chardonnay and henceforth, did not approve.  I, however, enjoyed & Juice's effervescent citrus finish immensely. Like champagne, was this Beermosa n' IPA. Gigantic scored big with this one.  ABV: 6.0 IBU: 65

Small Batch Brewing at it's finest!  Heathen Brewing started in 2011 as a one man show has now doubled it's staff and runs a 10 Barrel establishment.  These two have done some serious hops-works with Transgression IPA.  The hops play with your palate on every level without becoming a bitter brew.  Delightful.  ABV: 7.5 IBU: 80

Rogue Beer Crust Pizza
Now, I could go on and on about how much I truly enjoy Rogue beer.  I do.  I don't believe there is anything outstanding about their beers but they are consistently delicious and really run the gamut of beer styles and flavor.  Some of my favorites?  Juniper Pale Ale, Chocolate Stout, Double Chocolate Stout, Hazelnut Brown, and Mocha Porter. See what I mean about dark beer?  But it is sooo hard to choose with 40+ rotators, seasonals and specialities.  For OBF this year, Rogue outdid themselves.  Brewer John "More Hops" Maier sports a beard he's maintained since the early 80's and has overseen more than 15, 000 brews.  Rumour has it that the yeast used for this Golden-Belgian  Beard Beer was discovered, yes, within his own beard.  How rogue is that? ABV: 5.6 IBU: 25

The Dude's Brewing Co. from Torrance, California brought Grandma to the party and I was so happy to see her.  Grandma's Pecan Brown was dessert and also one of the darker beers on the menu.  Nutty, creamy, delicious.  Second slice please! ABV: 6.9 IBU 34

On the lighter end of the color spectrum the Offen Kolsch from Upright Brewing was light, bright and refreshing.  Balanced, sweet malts with a soft floral hop finish. Quaff-able but you'll want to slow down and enjoy the flowers in this one.  ABV: 5.0 IBU: 25

Yes, I understand that they are bordering on Mass Production Mayhem but I love the Widmer Bros.  Again, it's a consistency thing.  I can trust that when I crack open a bottle of Widmer it's going to be tasty and just what I asked for.  I can even say that they consistently surprise me with their delicious special releases and Reserves.  I hope to find Eye of the Thaiger on the shelves somewhere soon.  Crisp, clean kaffir lime, lemongrass and ginger.  Would complement spicy delicious Thai food so well, the thought of pairing this with my favorite Thai curry dish from Honey Jar brings an actual tear to MY eye.

This last one didn't make my "love" list but it did hit the "like" list pretty stongly.  Lompoc's  EleventyOne CDA was the darkest beer at the festival and is a really fine Cascadian Dark Ale.  Hopped throughout the brewing process from Mash through the final stages of the boil a lot of work went into this one and it shows. Efforts appreciated, Lompoc friends. ABV: 6.6 IBU 75

Speaking of friends.  I have friends who have friends at Burnside Brewing and I DESPERATELY want to love something from these people.  But I can't.  I've tried, I really have.  I don't know what the attraction is.  I compare it to repeatedly going on dates with someone you'd like to like but always walking away at the end of the night thinking he's the biggest d-bag you've met in a long time.  I feel sad even saying that but it smacks of truth.  I tried the Marionberry Berliner-Weisse but the off-putting flatulent nose carried through to the flavor that didn't leave me with Marionberries or beer.  Insert really sheepish look and "Sorry" here.  ABV: 3.5 IBU 8

Another "not so friendly" encounter was with Seven Brides' Frankenlou's IPA.  This 105 IBU powerhouse punches you in the face.  I've hung with some serious hop-heads and I don't think I'd recommend this to them even.  K tried to convince me that your taste-buds were revived at the end of the sip but even he admitted that this wasn't the IPA he'd spend a night with.  Too pushy.   ABV: 7 IBU: 105!

Best Beer skirt ever. 
Again~ Overall~ a fine year at Oregon Brewer's Festival.  Well run, only hit two tap-outs (Stone Delicious IPA and West Highland's Mango Moon) bummer. Love the fact that the festival moved to glassware this year, really does improve tasting experience.  Really enjoyed the musical talent especially Water Tower.  Caught them twice this week and I'm a happy camper.  Super happy with the extended schedule of Wednesday-Sunday, took some of the pressure off.

So, here is the list I promised you.  Some good, some better. Also, there were 85+ beers available and I already topped off so check the OBF website for further info.  There are a couple that didn't make my official "like it/love it" list but were nice notable brews and I'm not a professional so don't take my word for it.  Get out and try some of these for yourself and let me know what you think.  Prost!

·         Loved:
·         SWILL
·         10 Barrel Brewing Co.

·         Liked:

Not so hot: this year's offerings from Breakside, Burnside and Seven Brides :(

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Well, alright then.  I just unloaded the contents of my phone into my computer and found countless pictures of food I never shared.  I know that if you're a friend of mine on Facebook,  that sounds highly unlikely, right?  It has gotten to the point when I take a picture of my food, K asks me to please not post it because our friends will think that all we do is eat.  Which isn't true...really.  It is kind of a funny phenomena these days though, food voyeurism.  Not sure if it started back in 2010 when the NY Times asked readers to send them pictures of their food and received hundreds of submissions.  I have the article bookmarked.  I still refer back to it occasionally when I'm feeling itchy for a foodie fix.

Some of the pictures I have taken I may have felt uninspired to write about, or got too busy, or I simply forgot about them.  OR, I have even felt too self conscious to write about my experience.  I get shy sometimes, it happens.  I'm not feeling shy right now.  I'm feeling like I'm in one of those house-cleaning, dust off the cobwebs and clean out the attic moods.  Or better yet, clean out the fridge.  And here are the leftovers.  Some of them moldy and ready to be tossed but some just as tasty or even more so, than the day they were first served.


There was the night we spent with our good friend celebrating the New Year and working our way through the Stone Vertical series.  I really didn't have much to say besides "it was Epic"  Truly epic. 

Also epic were the shots I took at Timbers games and the delicious offerings from the Food Cart Alliance.  These tots from Timber's Dog House were an extreme example of how delicious tots can be be.

Or how about these somewhat yummy tots with a more delicious Po'Boy and some even MORE delicious gumbo from Roscoe's?  

There are these yummy pics from the Russell Street BBQ in Portland.  We went some time in April in our quest for BBQ comparable to Austin and for the life of me, I don't know why I wouldn't have told you all about it.    The BBQ was delish but I really would have raved on about the drinks like this cucumber cooler and the Frito Pie appy.  So good.

Also in our great search for well, great food, we like to try out different pizza places.  Who doesn't, really?  So far we've found many notables including the pies at Baby Doll Pizza in Portland and these monster slices at Deschutes Pizza Company in Maupin.  Actually, BDP requires more discussion.  I think we'll head there this week for a "refresher" and I'll tell you all about it later. 


Deschutes Pizza
Baby Doll Pizza

There were these lovely pictures from the Wet Dog Cafe in Astoria, Oregon.  Such a wonderful way to spend a rainy afternoon in Astoria.  Great staff, yummy food and look at that sweet taster.  I can't believe I didn't give you a breakdown of those little beers.  Maybe I did and I just can't find it. The more the pity. 

Some more delicious offerings came courtesy of our friends at TeSoAria.  There wine pick up parties are great fun and they always put out a lovely spread of treats created by Joy Olsen with a little help from John and his Traeger.  

I'm not sure if I've ever shared with you my love for OHana on Sandy Blvd.  If I haven't, I have been remiss. This lovely little restaurant serves it up Hawaiian style with authentic family recipes and some of the most ono this side of the Pacific. 

And then there are the pictures that had me uploading my phone shots in the first place.  This morning K and I went on our continued quest for the best Chicken and Waffles ever.  Miss Kate's Southern Kitchen may fill the bill as far as Portland Ops are concerned.  I enjoyed the Chicken and Waffle while K ordered Miss Kate's Biscuit.  Chicken on a biscuit with bacon, egg, and the most scrumptious bacon gravy, Good Heavens! I didn't even know such a thing existed.  The gravy was creamy, spicy buttery sweet.  The biscuit flaky but not dry.  The bacon was, well, perfect.  The Chicken deserves the capitalization I give it here.  Boneless, skinless, battered in a spicy but not too hot flaky crust.  So tender, juicy and delicious. The waffle it sits atop is crispy, fluffy sweet.  Just a drizzle of the delicious maple syrup is needed here.  This is the real deal. Took me back to Ms. P's in Austin. It was that good.  Wash it down with a Mexican coke or a Sweet Tea and we're talking Heaven.    

The rest of the pictures consisted of our trip to Phoenix.  We consumed some really good food in Phoenix, and some really mediocre food.  I'll save that all for a different post.