Woke up this morning and immediately worked out in anticipation of a trip downtown to the Portland Farmers Market and the Portland Saturday Market. Two of my favorite places to go in during the summer but equally as enjoyable in the Autumn especially with the amazing array of mushrooms, winter squash and greens available. The Park Blocks were stunning with Fall leaves all around and I cozied up closer to K as we trekked up the hill to PSU. Autumn rains not only dampen the ground but they diminish the crowd as well and so there was no mile long line at
Pine State Biscuits booth. K and I had to maintain our steady strolling pace and had to focus on not breaking into a run to the queue. I decided to go straight up with the Biscuits and Gravy, no frills, while K went for the famous Reggie. The Reggie is a wonderful piece of deep fried chicken breast topped with thick cut bacon, cheddar cheese and gravy on a Pine State Biscuit. If the gravy from Pine State wasn't so amazingly delicious I would have been a little jealous.

The fried chicken on K's biscuit sandwich was one of the best pieces of chicken I've ever had. I place it up there with the chicken I've enjoyed at the
Screen Door and
the Country Cat yet this was from a Food Cart. The biscuits themselves disappointed, just a little. I felt they were overdone and just a bit too chewy on one side. The gravy, however, brought a tear to my eye. So good. I really can't find the words. Savory, spicy, sweet deliciousness.
We followed our brunch with a suhweet delicious treat with Peppermint Patty from
Seely Mint Farm. I've enjoyed these before at the ChocolateFest and they are worth hunting down. Topped off the afternoon with a Rogue from Saturday Market. Who could resist a smooth, creamy Mocha Porter on such a blustery day? It was a delicious day to be in Portland, Oregon.