It isn't that I haven't been eating or drinking all summer long but it appears that I've been especially lazzzzy and neglectful in my blogging duties. This weekend made up for lazy with a slough of Portlandesque options. K and I made it to four really GT (great time) events. Our first venture out of our yard and into a life occurred on Thursday when we traveled up to Vancouver, WA to enjoy some free film fest fare. Angaelica hosted the 4th Annual Columbia Gorge Film Festival and The New Kiggins Theater at 1011 Main St. was our first stop. Ruby Jewel ice cream sandwiches in the concession stand? Yes, thank you. I've enjoyed these delicious confections at Portland Saturday Market and other around town events and can honestly say "thank you sir, can I have another". Lemon cookie with Lavender Vanilla, try it.

The Kiggins is going through a dramatic renovation. The seats are fabulous and the attention to detail in the theater is even more fabulous. Some work on the sound system is needed but that takes some dollars and I'm sure a bit more time. No worries, I'll be back. The staff on hand were sweet, funny, friendly, love it.
As for the film fest~ at the Kiggins we watched three short documentaries. Mossgrove/Bed of Moss~ This beautifully scored and skillfully filmed microvideography of slug life in the Pacific Northwest was fascinating to watch but had some editing issues. I would have loved to talk with the filmmaker but I left the theater before I had a chance to. I know, rude, but I had my reasons and I will explain.
Free Shane and Josh~Very moving documentary short. I remember when these hikers were taken into custody by the Iranian army. Heartbreaking. Even more heartbreaking that they are still in prison in Iran more because of who they are (young idealistic Americans), than anything they did (hike the wrong way and trust the wrong people). Scenes of their mothers traveling to Iran to bring them home and boarding the U.S bound plane without them is crushing. I was in tears.
401(k) Magic~ I'm super po'd that they let an infomercial into a film festival. At first I was insulted but then I realized he probably paid a pretty penny to be in the festival, a "sponsorship" as it were. Unfortunately, I found the whole premise of his film so insulting that K and I slipped out of the theater. Hence, I missed the filmmaker talk at the end.
Thursday evening we ventured up to the 'Couv once more to an awesome soda shop aptly named Pop Culture. . More places like this and I start to wonder why we don't venture across the Mighty Columbia more often. I rue the fact that I didn't have my camera, this place is a feast for the eyes and the heart. And all of those delicious sodas! I contemplated the cucumber soda but settled in for a limon Jarrito, yum. There is an extensive hot dog menu here but we had just eaten at home and alas I couldn't do it, next time, for sure. Perhaps the Pecos Bill: BBQ sauce, bleu cheese, and bacon ?

Films viewed included a very arty stylized short titled Soundtrack, this video by the Grayces and my favorite, 1 Giant Leap's What About Me? I could go on and on but I'm going to make you research 1 Giant Leap yourself. The work is a montage of music, voice, scenery, diversity, thought, philosophy. I love them, let me know what you think.
Now, I know that was only 6 out of the over 300 films offered over the weekend but dang, there was so much to do!
Friday brought the opening of the Bite of Oregon and if you haven't been lately you really need to throw this baby up on your calendar for next year. This benefit for Special Olympics Oregon keeps getting better and better. I've seriously never seen a better run festival. Cheerful volunteers running around picking up litter; showing you how to recycle, or compost, or scrap your garbage. Cleaning tables, finding chairs for weary walkers, pointing out where to find the next best bite or sip. Bravo to this year's amazing crew. The food? So good. Mussels from North45, Mac and Cheese from Noodles and Co, Steak bites from Sylvan Steakhouse and Saloon, all delicious. PBJs Grilled offered the Oregonian: Hazelnut butter, Rogue Creamery Blue Cheese and Marionberry jelly on, what else(?), grilled challah...omg. Creamy, crunchy, sweet, savory, this sandwich contradicts itself with every bite deliciously. I hear people complain about the prices of course, but you need to remember, you're paying for a delicious taste treat AND you're making a contribution to one of my favorite non-profits in the state. I am still so grateful that my daughter volunteered for this organization and, in turn, got me hooked. In the evening, K and I strolled over to the Portland Twilight Criterium for killer bike racing followed the next morning by some killer Soapbox Derby action on Mt. Tabor.
By Saturday evening (after a nap) I was ready for some more Bite of Oregon. Sitting in the Beer Garden listening to the Garcia Birthday Band, I enjoyed some fairly tasty chips and some extremely tasty beer, the Deschutes Brewery aptly named a Hop in the Dark. I am a huge fan of crunchy sweet dark stouts and porters. Hints of chocolate, caramel or coffee and I'm on it. This brew gives me the best of my coffeelicious stout tendencies and bites them off with the snap of a hop vine. I am now a huge fan of the Black IPA.
Find of the Evening goes to American Culinary Federation Chefs de Cuisine Society and their version of the Philly Cheesesteak. Tender, cheesy, peppery, sloppy, sloppy goodness. Well played, Chef, well played.
Quick shout out to my two favorite places to visit whenever I am at a Wine or Food or Garden show: SakeOne was once again serving up delicious smooth, dry G! and some yummy spicy/sweet saketinis. One of the friendliest winemakers in the state, John Olson, continues to delight his fans with the delicious Hungarian style Bull's Blood. Please check out Tesoaria Vineyard and Winery when you have an opportunity, you will not be sorry.
I rounded out the weekend enjoying some late evening noshing in a friend's gorgeous backyard and spent today wondering why I'm feeling so danged lazy. On a side note, I decided to grab a quick hot dog at lunch today. I was lamenting the fact that I didn't have one of Pop Culture's dogs. I enjoyed it smothered in a sweet pickle relish made by my sister-in-law, Eileen. This relish is so good, soooo sweet and delicious, I'm tempted to put it on vanilla ice cream and eat it for dessert. Seriously.